Revised 1st July-2023

The admissions team in SGIS is committed to ensuring that applicants and their parents are well advised
and counselled so that they can make a confident and informed choice. As a school community, we
follow an open and inclusive admission policy, welcoming students with diverse backgrounds and a
multitude of talents and abilities. It is also our primary responsibility to ensure that SGIS applicants have
a realistic chance of succeeding in the courses we offer.
1- Objective of Admission Policy
1. To have a transparent admission process as per the norms of the school.
2. To give a fair chance to students depending on their ability, interest, aptitude and career
3. To connect the parents of SGIS philosophy, vision, mission along with the benefits of the IBDP
2-Mission and Structure of the Admissions Department
It is the mission of the admissions department to recruit, inform and admit new, qualified students to the
SGIS. The process is accomplished in a professional and forthright manner, while safeguarding the
integrity of the school, the students and their families’ integrity. We strive hard to educate them about
our school ideology and IB philosophy. The school’s admission department is comprised of qualified
professionals who use academic honesty to assess the abilities of students seeking admission to the IBDP
programme at SGIS. Admissions officers and an assistant work in the admissions department.
Ms Megha- Admission officer
Admission is dependent on:
● Meeting all admissions standards and prerequisites
● All financial expectations are being fulfilled.
● Availability of seats in appropriate class and program

When conditions permit, qualifying siblings of existing students will be given primary priority. Prospective students who speak English as a second language, have Special Educational Needs, or endure other challenges are given special consideration (Refer admissions procedure).

 3-Admission procedure 

The academic year at SGIS runs from 01 June to 30 MAY. The language of instruction is English. Parents or guardians must follow the steps outlined below: 

Step 1: Parents meet with the Admission Officer after filling in an Inquiry form that requires furnishing of basic details of the parents and student. Parents or guardians of prospective student must certify that, at the time of admission, all information pertinent to the application has been disclosed. Any omission of information relevant to the student’s admission e.g., a requirement for Special Educational Support or a medical condition may result in cancellation of the acceptance or expulsion from the school. During the interview with the Admission Officer, parents are given a broad overview of the curriculum and the School philosophy. They are also familiarized with the appropriate fee structure and the School Brochure. Accordingly, a suitable date for assessment/Interview is scheduled. 

Step 2: On the scheduled day the parents purchase the school admission form and fill out the relevant academic, social and physical details of the student. 

Step 3: Entrance Assessment Students seeking admission irrespective of internal or external applicants have to take a personal interview. This evaluation is required to understand the prior knowledge and the skill level of the students. It is not to pronounce any sort of conclusion. The primary purpose of the interview is to analyse the applicant’s ability to succeed not only in their individual subjects but also in the core components of CAS, Theory of Knowledge and the Extended Essay. 

Step 4: Following the entrance evaluation result the student will attend an interview with DP coordinator and Career Counsellor. 

Admissions Committee and Decision-Making Process 

The admission committee comprises the Director Principal, Admission officer, DP Coordinator and Career Counsellor. When appropriate, additional members of staff will also be consulted. Any individual irrespective of the caste, gender creed or religion will be given admission if the below mentioned points are achieved.

Entrance Assessment and other Requirements
● The DP coordinator/Career Counsellor, as well as the Head of School, must approve the entrance
assessment findings.
● In 10th grade, students studied the English Language.
● If necessary, a math and science abilities and concepts test will be administered.
● One teacher recommendation for student behaviour, attendance, motivation, and selfdiscipline.

External MYP Students

● A minimum final achievement score of 3 in each of the following subject groups: Language &
literature, language acquisition, individuals & societies, science and maths (an average score will
apply if a student is enrolled in multiple subjects within a subject group)
● As action requirements, completion of a personal project and service are required.
● One teacher recommendation addresses behaviour, attendance, motivation and self-discipline
Students from other boards
● Entrance assessment results must be approved by the DP coordinator/ Career Counsellor and Head
of School.
● Proficiency in English Language.
● Mathematics and Sciences skills and concepts test
● One teacher recommendation that addresses student behaviour, attendance, motivation and selfdiscipline.

Step 5: The Admission Officer records the teacher/teachers’ thorough comments and notifies the parents
of the outcome. In the event of the parent being unsatisfied with the grade assigned they are invited for
a meeting with the Head of School /Programme Coordinator.
Step 6: The parent or legal guardian must fill out the application form (which includes passport images).
● A copy of the Birth Certificate,
● Academic Reports of the previous academic year should also be attached.
● Medical records and
● Inclusive (SEN) recommendations, if any, must also be attached.
**Without the above documents, no decision on admission will be granted

Once the School is in possession of all of the above, the process is as follows:

Parents proceed with deposit the fees and meet the Programme Coordinator and the Home room teacher
for further details. 

4. Language Profile form and Academic Honesty contract
All candidates must fill the language profile form (appendix-1) and sign an academic honesty
contract indicating their commitment to SGIS’s policy of academic honesty (appendix-2)
5.Further Admissions Information (Grades 11-12)
Students may elect to participate in the IB program in one of two ways:
● as an IB Diploma candidate
● as an IB Course candidate
Generally, it is recommended for most students to elect the full IB Diploma, but the decision for which
path (and courses) to take will be made in consultation with a student’s parents, teachers, head of
languages, school counsellor and the DP Coordinator in Diploma Year -2.
A student who decides to participate in the IB Program, as a Diploma candidate or as a Course candidate,
is expected to:
● work hard
● approach tasks with a sense of purpose
● demonstrate self-discipline and responsibility
● learn from fellow students as well as teachers
● share with, and contribute to the community.
6. Assessment Days
● Days: Monday to Saturdays,
● Time: 9.30 a.m. – 12.30 p.m.
These are the designated days and time of assessments and the results are disclosed after a day.
Note: ***On request assessment days may be rescheduled.
7. Admission Age Criteria

A student should be between 15-16 Years of age for IBDP 1 admission.
8. The Nature of Inclusion at SGIS
SGIS’s Access and Inclusion Policy aims to enhance the quality of education or diverse learners by
providing an appropriate and inclusive education to all the students. It further aims to develop an
inclusive environment that is effective, friendly, welcoming, healthy, and protective and gender sensitive
for all learners.

Students with Inclusive Educational Needs

Number of Inclusive students per (2 in each) class is restricted. In order to accommodate the needs of
SEN applicants, the school can cater adequately with reasonable adjustment based on the available
resources. The school counsellors will consider each case individually. It is necessary for parents or legal
guardians to provide us with full information regarding past SEN records so that we can make sure that
the students’ needs are met. Having considered all information submitted, the Head of School will make
a decision on admission.
Following are the key steps for the enrolment of Inclusive student at SGIS:
● An initial conversation with the parents of children having special educational needs is conducted by
the school authorities when they contact for admission.
● The details of information regarding any learning concern are requested on the admission form. The
concerns need to be well supported by Medical Certificates and reports given by certified Medical
Practitioners. This information is processed by the Admission Officer and forwarded to the school
Psychologist and Counsellor, for their follow up actions.
● Interviews are conducted with potential students and families for enrolment for the following
academic year. The school psychologist attends interviews of students with special learning needs. Due
consideration is given to the prior knowledge of the students who come for admission. Such students
are assessed after considering all the aspects. Based on the resources available at SGIS, discussions
among inclusion managers and coordinators are held to find the schools capacity to be able to cater
to these specific needs. If the school realizes it to be a very difficult case, he/she is referred to special
schools for their best development.
ANNEXURE: Students identified at risk during the academic year by teachers are added to the list
of students with potential difficulties and are helped with Learning Support.
9-General rules during admission
Wait Pools: When the number of eligible applicants exceeds the availability of spaces for a particular
grade in an academic year, parent admission applications for their students may be placed in a wait
pool until space becomes available. Students with siblings already studying at SGIS are given priority
precedence within the wait pool. When placing an application in a wait pool, we try to provide the
candidate with a realistic assessment and timelines of the chances for admittance.
School Tour: We encourage parents who are contemplating enrolling their children at SGIS to come
to campus during the school day to view our facilities and get a feel for the school environment. During
the visit, parents will have a chance to meet with the Director – Principal and/or head of academics
.The admissions staff will accompany the parents around the campus. School tours are scheduled
between 9:30 am to 12:00 p.m. (Monday – Friday). However, these need to be scheduled via an
appointment through our front desk. We request the visitors to take a school tour, on the abovementioned days and time. In case the visitors are from overseas/outstation then they need to give
the school a prior intimation about the time they would arrive at the campus. In certain
circumstances, we make every effort to accommodate the guest by granting them special permission
to tour the campus.
10. Review and Implementation of Admission Policy
● Head of School, Coordinator, Admission Officer and Heads of Departments to review the Admission
Criteria in consultation with subject teachers once in year.
● A presentation on school policies of IB Diploma Programme are special features during the
Orientation Programme for parents, students and teachers on the first day of the academic session
organized by the IBDP Coordinator.
● All school policies are communicated to the teachers, students and parents through regular
communication and are uploaded on the school website.
******This document is a working document which will be reviewed yearly.